Sunbeam Fosters Safe & Loving Homes

Sunbeam is a traditional foster care agency providing temporary care and supportive services in a home environment for children in OKDHS custody. Sunbeam works to improve the safety, well-being, and permanency of children from birth to 18 years of age by recruiting and training new foster parents.


While OKDHS works with biological parents on a pathway to reunification, Sunbeam provides ongoing support to families through 24/7 case management, training, and connection to resources. A significant number of children who enter the child welfare system have experienced trauma that can lead to ongoing issues with social, cognitive, emotional and behavioral well-being. For this reason, all children in Sunbeam’s foster care program receive priority placement and services from its early childhood services and mental health programs.  


Sunbeam provides children in new placement with items from its basic needs pantry such as clothing and hygiene items. Throughout the placement, Sunbeam staff monitors placement stability, attends court hearings, and ensures the overall success of the child in foster care.

Learn more about what it takes to foster and the support we provide to foster parents.

Make a donation today to foster hope tomorrow.

See our Amazon Wishlist and purchase items for foster children and families shipped directly to us.