Frequently Asked Questions
No, Sunbeam is not an adoption agency. Sunbeam Family Services focuses on providing supportive care for children in foster care, with the primary goal of helping them reunite with their biological families whenever possible, as guided by Oklahoma Human Services (OHS). If returning to their birth family isn’t feasible, Sunbeam explores kinship options, such as placement with grandparents, aunts, uncles, or other extended family members. When kinship placements are not available, the case plan may shift towards finding a permanent solution through adoption or guardianship. If a child’s current foster placement is stable and the foster family is interested in providing a permanent home, this possibility can be discussed with the professional team if the case plan goal changes.
Yes, Sunbeam supports a Kinship family home if we have a prior relationship with the family/home and it’s approved by DHS for us to carry the kinship resource. Kinship foster care is when the foster parents have knowledge of the child prior to them coming into OHS custody and are willing to accept them into their home as a kinship foster placement.
Through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS), Sunbeam helps you become a foster parent at no cost to you.
Mental Health Consultation helps to support the caregivers who take care of children and adolescents. Through consultation, you are paired with a professional who is able to provide hope, help, and support for any concerns you may have about a child or adolescent’s emotional growth, social relationships, or just emotional support for you as caregiver. Sunbeam Foster Care parent can Call or meet virtually with a licensed mental health professional who has experience working with adults, families, and children of all ages.