How to Designate Your Legacy Gift in Support of Sunbeam Family Services
Thank you for your partnership and the care you help provide for children and families in our community. When you decide to include Sunbeam Family Services in your estate plans, you will become a Building Brighter Futures Legacy Circle member. You will join a group of compassionate leaders committed to making a lasting impact through legacy giving.
You will help provide vital resources to help serve more children and families in our community. Your generosity will be remembered and celebrated, inspiring others to follow your leadership and continue the legacy of care.
Your bequest to Sunbeam Family Services can be in the form of cash, securities or properties, and you may name Sunbeam Family Services EIN 73-0590119 as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or “Transfer on Death” brokerage accounts. Please consider listing Sunbeam Family Services as the beneficiary recipient.
Download and review the Building Brighter Futures Legacy Circle information and letter of intent here. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Doss at adoss@sunbeamfamilyservices.org.