Edwards Early Education and Community Hope Center

Now Open to Serve N.E. Oklahoma City

1123 NE Grand Blvd., OKC, OK, 73117

Affordable and convenient mental health services for individuals, families, and children.

Early Head Start childcare for infants and toddlers through 3 years old


Community and training events focused on health and well-being.

Free support groups for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, including free childcare and meals, resource connection, and specialized services to help families navigate through difficult situations.

Map of where to park when you visit Edwards Early Education Center or Edwards Community Hope Center.

“If you give your best to life, life will give its best to you.”
Walter James and Frances G. Waldrop Edwards

$3.1 Million Raised for Renovations
Edwards Early Education and Community Hope Center
Thank you to our Generous Donors


Arnall Community Fund

The Boeing Company

E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation

Enterprise Holdings

Nedra Funk

Griffin Media

Inasmuch Foundation

Oklahoma City Public Schools

Oklahoma Department of Human Services

Presbyterian Health Foundation

Sarkeys Foundation

Angela and Pastor Derrick Scobey

Total Environment

United States Department of Health and Human Services: Head Start
